Vibration Testing GRACE Spacecraft
IAGB, Munich, Germany ~2001
Terry Scharton received his BS, MS, and ScD degrees in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1962, 1964, and 1966. A specialist in random vibration and acoustics, he has worked in the areas of statistical energy analysis, jet noise reduction, offshore platform damage detection, nuclear steam generator vibration and ultrasonic cleaning, and spacecraft vibroacoustics. He retired from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2003, and currently consults for JPL, UCB, and other clients, primarily on aerospace structural dynamics and applications of force limited vibration testing. Dr. Scharton's resume and copies of his recent publications may be obtained by contacting him at: Email:, or Telephone: (919) 607-3784 Author/Co-aurthor: NASA-HNBK-7004C and NASA-HNBK-7008 Available at: Custom |